Clean OK Program
CLEAN OK Program which was developed by Lima Certification has been prepared according to the COVID-19 circulars specific to businesses published by the T.C. Ministry of Culture and Tourism, T.C. Ministry of Health and T.C. Ministry of Labor and Social Security and it also includes additional criteria specific to the sectors where businesses operate within the framework of the new normal.
We confirm your hygiene conditions and COVID-19 precautions with the CLEAN OK logo with our inspections carried out by our competent inspectors in line with your request.
The sectors where the CLEAN OK program can be applied are as follows:
- Gyms
- Businesses Providing Personal Beauty and Care Services
- Shopping malls
- Taxi Stations
- Coffeehouses / Cafes / Restaurants
- Associations / Locations
- Internet Cafes
- Retail Stores
- Accommodation Facilities (less than 30 rooms)
For more information and application, you can call us from +90 538 059 4569 numbered phone or mail to info@limacertification.com.tr address.